HubSpot's default ticket properties
HubSpot has a number of default ticket properties to capture the details needed to create a new ticket. You can also create custom ticket properties to capture the information most relevant to your business needs.
Learn more about HubSpot’s default contact properties, default company properties, and default deal properties.
Ticket Information
Category: main reason customer reached out for help.
Close date: the date the ticket was closed.
Create date: the date the ticket was created.
First agent response date: the date of the first response from an agent.
HubSpot team: the name of the team associated with the owner of the ticket.
Last activity date: the last time a note, call, email, meeting, or task was logged on the ticket.
Last contacted date: the last time a call, email, or meeting was logged on the ticket.
Last customer reply date: the date of the last customer response.
Last modified date: the last time any property on the ticket was modified.
Next activity date: the date of the next upcoming activity for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record.
Number of times contacted: the number of times a call, email, or meeting was logged for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the contact record.
Owner assigned date: the most recent date a HubSpot owner was assigned to a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.
Pipeline: the pipeline that contains this ticket.
Priority: the level of attention needed on the ticket.
Source: channel where ticket was originally submitted.
Ticket description: full description of ticket issue.
Ticket id: the unique id for this ticket. This field is set automatically and cannot be edited.
Ticket name: short summary of ticket.
Ticket owner: the owner of the ticket.
Ticket status: the pipeline stage that contains this ticket.
Time to close: the time between when the ticket was created and closed.
Time to first agent reply: the time between when the ticket was created and an agent first replied.
Last updated
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