Work with your contact records

By creating a contact record for everyone who interacts with your business in HubSpot, you build a good contact database. This will allow your team to easily record and retrieve information on anyone your business interacts with, helping everyone to stay on the same page.

Once created, you can store and retrieve information on a contact by interacting with their record.

View a contact record

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Contacts > Contacts.

  • In your contacts home, locate the contact you want to work with and click their name. This will bring you to their record.

The following sections cover the left panel, middle panel, and right panel of the contact record.

About and actions

The left panel shows the contact record's properties and actions you can perform with the record. Learn how a user with admin access can customize the left sidebar for all users and teams.

  • At the top, view and edit the primary properties for the record. You can click the profile picture to update the contact's image and the edit pencil icon to edit their name.

Please note: record images are used internally to identify contacts or companies in your HubSpot account; your contacts and companies cannot see record images.

  • At the top right of the left panel, click the Actions dropdown menu:

    • Follow: click to follow the record. By default, you follow all records you own. By following a record, you will receive notifications on updates to the record.

    • View all properties: click to view all properties of the record.

    • View property history: click to view the history of the property values of the record.

    • Search in Google: click to search the contact's name and company on Google.

    • Opt out of email: click to disable email communication with the contact.

    • Merge: click to merge the contact record with another.

    • Delete: click to delete the contact record. Learn more about the data lost during a deletion.

  • Below the primary properties, interact with the record by clicking the respective icons.

  • View and edit the contact's property values in the About this contact section. Learn how to edit the properties that appear in this section for you. Admins can also customize the section for the users in the HubSpot account.

    • To edit a property value, hover over the property and click the edit pencil icon.

    • To view a specific property's history, hover over the property and click Details or scroll down and click View property history to see the history of all property changes.

    • To view all properties, click View all properties.

  • In the Communication subscriptions section, view and edit the contact's subscriptions. This section is only available if you have GDPR functionality turned on. Learn how to add a subscription for the contact.

  • In the Website activity section, view interactions with your website.

Activities on the contact timeline

The middle panel shows activities relating to the contact chronologically, with the latest activity at the top.

If you want more space to view the record's timeline, you can collapse the right panel by clicking the last icon at the top of the panel, and expand the panel again by clicking the first icon.

You can filter these activities in the following ways:

  • To quickly filter activities, click the tabs at the top.

  • In the Activity tab, you can filter more specific activities with the Filter activity dropdown menu .

  • To filter activities that are owned by a specific user or team, click the All users or All teams dropdown menus and select a user or team .

In the right panel, view the other records and tools associated with the record. You can rearrange the sections by dragging them.

Associated records

Record associations are displayed under the respective record type sections (i.e., Company, Deals, Tickets). Learn about associations.

To associate your contact record with another record:

  • In the relevant record type section, click Add.

  • You can either create a new record to associate to the contact, or associate an existing record to the contact.

    • To create a new record to associate the ticket to, in the Create a new [record] tab, enter information into the fields, and click Create.

    • To associate an existing record, click the Add existing [record] tab, search for the record, and select the checkbox next to the record in the search results. Click Save.


You can attach files to the contact record. You can also view attachments that were sent as part of a logged email to the contact.

List and workflow memberships

You can also view the record's associations with other tools in HubSpot. These sections, List memberships and Workflow memberships, shows you the number of lists and workflows the contact is in.


When communicating with the contact, you can click a playbook to display certain prescribed questions or steps to prepare yourself better.

Salesforce sync

The Salesforce Sync section shows if the contact record is syncing with Salesforce through the HubSpot-Salesforce integration. If the contact isn't syncing with Salesforce or if you want to ensure the contact remains synced to the Salesforce record, click Sync now.

Last updated