A guide to your deals home
In HubSpot, you store and manage information on ongoing sales transactions with potential customers in your deal records. A deal is tracked through pipeline stages until the deal is won or lost.
Your deals home is where all your deals are displayed. You can:
have an overview of your deals in a table format or a kanban board format;
create and save views that show only deals that meet a certain criteria; and
bulk edit deals, including deleting them.
Learn more about managing your contacts, companies, and tickets in their respective homes.
Manage your deals
In your HubSpot account, navigate to Sales > Deals.
In the upper right:
Actions: click to make changes to your deals.
Edit properties: select to edit your deal properties. Learn more on managing your properties.
Restore deals: select to restore certain deleted deals. Only users with Admin access or add and edit users permissions can use the recycle bin.
Add pipeline automation: select to automate tasks when a deal moves to a new stage, only if your account has access.
Import: click to import records. You can import new records, import to bulk update existing records, or import to bulk associate records.
Create deal: click to manually create a new deal.
You can also export your deal records.
View your deals
In your HubSpot account, navigate to Sales > Deals.
By default, your deals will be displayed in a table. By default, they will be sorted so the most recently created deal will be at the top.
To locate a specific deal, you can enter a search term in the search box under the tabs.
To record or retrieve information on a deal, click its name to access the deal record.
Customize the table
Customize the table where your records are shown.
If you're in the board view, to switch to the table view, click the listView table icon in the upper left.
To edit the properties shown in the table, click Edit columns on the right. In the dialog box:
On the left, select the properties you want to appear in the table.
On the right, drag and drop properties to arrange them to how you want them to appear in the table. Click x to remove a property.
Click Save.
To sort your records using property values, click the property name at the top of the table.
To resize your columns, click, hold, and drag the edge of the column to your preferred size.
To re-arrange your columns, click, hold, and drag the dragHandle handle of the column to your preferred area.
You can also bulk edit your deals using the table.
Customize the board
To switch to the board view, where you can see records in each pipeline stage, click the grid board icon in the upper left. In the board view, you can only view deals of a specific deal pipeline and not across all pipelines, because the stages can be different.
To sort the records within each stage, click Sort in the upper right. In the dialog box, click the Priority dropdown menu and select the property to sort by, then click the Sort by dropdown menu to determine the order.
To update the pipeline stages, click Edit stages. This will bring you to the deal settings.
Drag and drop records to change the records' pipeline stage.
Click a record to view and work with it quickly in the right panel, and click the record's name to work with the deal record fully.
Filter your deal records based on their property values
You can further filter the deal records in the table or board, even when you're in a view.
To view deals from a specific pipeline, click the first dropdown menu at the top of the page and select the pipeline you want to view. In the board view, you can only view deals of a specific deal pipeline and not across all pipelines, because the stages can be different.
Click the default property dropdown menus (Deal owner, Create date, Last activity date, Amount) and select the values that you want the displayed deals to have.
For other properties, click More filters and in the right panel, search for and click the property. Learn how to set up your filter.
If you are currently in the All deals tab and already set up filters, you can save this set of filters as a view. In the bottom left, click Clone and in the dialog box, enter a name for the view and click Save.
If you're in another view, you can click Save in the bottom left to update the view's filters.
You can also export deal records that meet the filters.
View a specific subset of your deal records
You can save sets of filters as a view, so you don't have to set them up again, and access them through the tabs in your deals home.
To change views on the deal records:
In the table format, click the tab that you want to view.
In the board format, click the second dropdown menu at the top of the page and select the view you want.
To add a new view:
In the table format, click Add view to add a view.
In the board format, click the second dropdown menu at the top of the page and select Create new view.
To view all available views for your user:
In the table format, click All views.
In the board format, click the second dropdown menu at the top of the page and select All views.
Last updated