Google Ads Help

Google Ads

How can we help you?

Setup and basics

Your guide to Google Ads

Google Ads basics

Create ads and campaigns

Choose where and when ads appear

Find out if your ad is running

Account administration and security


Analyze message reporting data

Local Services ads

What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?

Helping advertisers comply with the GDPR

The Google Ads mobile app

Helping advertisers comply with CCPA in Google Ads

Manage ads

Ads and approvals

Campaign settings

Budgets and bids


Reach your audience

Target placements and topics

Multiple or large accounts

About automatic updates to Gmail campaigns

Target websites about relevant topics

Transparency and Ad Disclosures

Measure results

Connect your goals to data

Find and run reports

Understanding your data

Track sales and other conversions

Google Analytics and Google Ads

Common reporting issues

Smart campaigns

Get started

Use Smart campaigns

Get insights

Business information

Ad text and headline

Verified calls

Ad audience and search phrases

Managing your Smart campaigns through COVID-19


Payment methods and settings

Basic billing tasks

Promotions and coupons

Refunds and adjustments


Issues with payments and charges


Your guide to Google Ads

Google Ads training on Skillshop

Account walk-throughs

Google Partners

Google Partners Program

Last updated

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