View and analyze previous imports

After importing objects to HubSpot, you can view and analyze your previous imports in the imports dashboard. This can help with any import errors, or understanding where a record was created.

Imports dashboard

  • Name: the name of the import that was added in the Import Details.

  • New: the number of new contacts added. If a contact already existed in your database prior to the import, it will not be included in this value.

  • Updated: the number of records updated by the import.

  • Error count: the number of records in your import that resulted in an error and could not be processed. To see a detailed list of errors, click the More dropdown menu and select Download errors to see a detailed list of errors.

  • Source: the type of import selected.

  • User: the name of the user in your account who imported the file.

  • Created: the date the import was completed.


View imported objects and import errors

Create a list of imported contacts

To create a list of your recently imported contacts, you can create a list from the imports dashboard:

  • Click the pencil icon edit in the top-left corner and give your list a name.

  • Click the AND or OR to add more criteria to your list.

  • When you are done, click Save.

Create a filter to view imported contacts, companies, or deals

  • Click + Add filter.

  • Search for and select the Import radio button.

  • Select the radio button next to the filter criteria is any of, is none of, is known, or is unknown. The click the dropdown menu and select the import file you want to segment by. segment-by-imports

  • Click Apply filter, then click Save.

If you want to view your original import file, click the More dropdown menu and select Download original file.

Download error file

If your import has any errors:

  • In the upper right, click Import.

  • Hover over a file import with errors and click the Actions dropdown menu, then select Download error file.

  • Extract the CSV file from the downloaded zip file, then open the CSV file.

  • In the file, identify the error code under the Error code header, the reason for the error under the Reason column, and the details of the object with the error in the subsequent columns.

Learn more about each error and how to troubleshoot them.

Last updated